
An event

Risa tækifæri fyrir íslensk sprotafyrirtæki: Kynningarfundur um TINC viðskiptahraðalinn KLAK – Icelandic Startups stendur fyrir kynningarfundi um TINC, 5 vikna viðskiptahraðal sem veitir norrænum
Atvinnudagar Háskóla Íslands fara fram dagana 3. – 7. febrúar og er lögð sérstök áhersla á atvinnumál og undirbúning nemenda fyrir þátttöku á vinnumarkaði.
The preliminary competition of the Creative Business Cup will be held for the first time in Iceland at the invitation of KLAK - Icelandic Startups and Íslandstofa! Would your startup be a cool representative
Krubbur is a two-day ideas workshop that will be held in Hrádin in Húsavík on March 8-9. Emphasis will be placed on related solutions
Resonate in collaboration with KLAK - Icelandic Startups and Vísindagarða HI invite you to an interesting lecture on the development of ideas from basic prototypes to marketable products
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