Hringiða+ er viðskiptahraðall fyrir grænar lausnir en hlutverk hraðalsins er að stuðla að því að á Íslandi dafni öflug fyrirtæki sem byggja á hugmyndafræði
KLAK Icelandic Startups og Nýsköpunar- og frumkvöðlanefnd HÍ kynna vísindaferð Gulleggsins 2025! Gulleggið, stærsta frumkvöðlakeppni landsins, verður kynnt ásamt því að spennandi fyrirtæki verða
Hugmyndahraðhlaup Gulleggsins fór fram helgina 4.–5. janúar 2025 í Grósku, þar sem háskólanemar frá landinu öllu komu saman til að þróa nýsköpunarhugmyndir og leysa
KLAK – Icelandic Startups has hired two new employees who will strengthen the team and enhance support for entrepreneurs and startups in
Startup Tourism 2024 concludes with an impressive program at lunch on Wednesday, November 27. The event will be live streamed where nine forward-thinking startups in the tourism industry
KLAK VMS has signed a cooperation agreement with one of Iceland's leading law firms, ADVEL lawyers. The aim of this agreement is to further strengthen the mentoring services of KLAK VMS
Orkuveitan has now entered into a partnership with KLAK - Icelandic Startups to become one of the backers of the business accelerator Hringiða. Hringiða's goal is to contribute
On Tuesday, November 12, KLAK Icelandic Startups is hosting a lunch event in Gróska, where innovation in tourism will be the theme! 📢 The entrepreneurs Eva María Lange founder
Startups and uiData were selected from a large group of Nordic applicants to participate in the TINC business accelerator hosted by Innovation
Ten teams have been selected to participate in the Startup Tourism business accelerator hosted by KLAK – Icelandic startups, which will begin on October 28th. The accelerator