Business accelerators
and workshops
for entrepreneurs

KLAK helps entrepreneurs realize their ideas, increasing the number of start-up companies based on ingenuity and thus enhancing sustainable value creation in Iceland. We support startups' growth both domestically and internationally by accelerating their development and connecting them with experts, investors, and other key players. KLAK has established itself as a key player in Iceland's supportive environment for innovation and strives to be a leading force in the grassroots entrepreneurial community.

Freyr and sunna at KLAK - Icelandic Startups

KLAK - Icelandic Startups á lista Financial Times „Europe’s Leading Start-up Hubs 2025“!

Start-up process

There are many ways to start a business, and we have highlighted the powerful supportive environment for innovation in Iceland. By following the start-up process, entrepreneurs can apply for appropriate funding and access support at each development stage.


Viðburðir framundan hjá KLAK – Icelandic Startups

Funding environment
for startups

There are various ways for startups to finance their projects. 

Business accelerators
VC funds

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