Sprotar KLAK.
Timber Recycling
TRE endurvinnur timburúrgang og umbreytir honum í hágæða timbureiningar fyrir byggingariðnaðinn. Með því að nýta timbureiningar unnar úr úrgangstimbri í stað nýrra viðarefna stuðlar TRE að minni sóun, lægra kolefnisspori og sjálfbærari byggingarlausnum.
Þarahrat vinnur að þróun sjálfbærra byggingarefna úr lífrænum iðnaðarúrgangi frá smáþörungaframleiðslu. Með því að nýta þessar auðlindir í stað mengandi efna lokar verkefnið hringrás staðbundins iðnaðar og skapar verðmæti úr úrgangi. Þessi nýju efni eru vistvæn, kolefnislág og hafa fjölbreytta notkunarmöguleika í byggingariðnaði.
Svepparíkið er nýsköpunarfyrirtæki sem umbreytir lífrænum úrgangi í hágæða sælkerasveppi. Með snjallstýrðu ræktunarkerfi sem hámarkar auðlindanýtingu og lágmarkar sóun, nýtir Svepparíkið hliðarafurðir matvælaiðnaðarins til að skapa sjálfbæra og stöðuga sælkerasveppaframleiðslu. Þetta hringrásarkerfi tryggir að ekkert fari til spillis og skilar næringarríkum afurðum á markað.
Optitog ehf.
Optitog þróar og leigir út sérhæfðan búnað sem eykur aflameðhöndlun í togurum og gerir veiðar skilvirkari. Með hátæknilausnum sem standast kröfur um harðneskjulegt umhverfi sjávarútvegsins hjálpar Optitog við að hámarka aflann, draga úr umhverfisáhrifum og bæta rekstrarhagkvæmni útgerða um allan heim.
Loki Foods
Loki Foods leggur áherslu á hrein hráefni, endurnýjanlega orku og næringu til að þróa bragðgóð plöntumiðuð matvæli. Með sjálfbærni að leiðarljósi býður Loki Foods upp á nýja valkosti fyrir neytendur og stuðlar að þróun framtíðarinnar í matvælaframleiðslu.
HuddleHop er snjöll lausn fyrir samnýtingu bílferða á Íslandi sem dregur úr ferðakostnaði og kolefnisspori. Með því að tengja farþega og ökumenn í gegnum notendavænan vef- og snjallforrit skapar HuddleHop hagkvæmari og umhverfisvænni samgöngumáta fyrir alla.
Haf-Afl vinnur að nýtingu ölduorku við Íslandsstrendur til að skapa stöðuga og sjálfbæra orkulind fyrir framtíðina. Með fyrstu ölduorkugarðinum við Vestmannaeyjar stefna þau að því að bæta orkuöryggi og styðja við græn orkuskipti á Íslandi. Þetta er nýr áfangi í þróun sjávarorku hérlendis.
Guyde is a voice-activated navigation app that, with the help of artificial intelligence and speech synthesis technology, provides companionship and guidance to travelers in private and rental cars according to their location and personal preferences.
Snotra Sustainability
Snotra is developing a SaaS-based AI solution to empower the tourism industry, ensuring compliance with EU sustainability policies and industry standards through data collection and distributed, interactive training aimed at increasing overall engagement in tourism sustainability.
PMU (PickMeUp)
PMU.is is a customized software for the tourism industry that enhances the management of shuttle services for tourists. The user can use a guide that makes it easier for him to find his stop and ensures that he is at the right place. When he arrives, he can clock in, which uses the phone's location coordinates and verifies that he is at the right place. The clock in proves that the customer has arrived at the right time and place in case the bus leaves without him.
A Nordic job centre for tourism, connecting tourism companies with qualified staff. Our platform streamlines the recruitment process for jobs with flexible working hours and shifts, ensuring that companies can quickly find qualified staff when they need them most.
Iceland Cover
The project is about giving foreign tourists the opportunity to rent good outdoor clothing at an affordable price during their stay. A side activity is that during the summer we also offer camping equipment. Many tourists from warm countries do not have warm outdoor clothing. Outdoor clothing also takes up a lot of space in luggage. This, together with the convenience of being able to access all the outdoor clothing they need in one, well-located place, are the reasons for IcelandCover's operations.
Hot Sheep
HotSheep focuses on so-called last-minute bookings of experiences. Trips are filled up by offering attractive discounts when it's close to departure. With this, the tour operator gets better utilization and the tourist gets a better price.
Eys ferðaþjónusta / True Arctic Travel
Eys Tourism aims to ensure that tourists can enjoy the Arctic nature (the Arctic) and travel there in a sustainable manner and without creating an intrusion on the places where they travel. A holistic travel experience is created where the organization must be enjoyed and not rush between tourist attractions and all domestic travel will be in a sustainable manner with environmentally friendly energy sources. At the same time, strong emphasis will be placed on connecting the travel experience with events of the residents of the area so that tourists get an insight into the culture of each region.
Alheimur vísindasafn
Alheimur is a science center that contains interactive and interesting content about the nature of science and technology. The goal is to educate through play, entertainment and theatrical presentations that captivate children and other visitors so that the learning remains and the desire to know more increases. At Alheimur, entertainment and education are integrated so that the experience becomes unique.
Ævintýraeignir – Reynisfjall
Adventure Properties plans to make a new destination in South Iceland, more specifically Reynisfjall near Vík in Mýrdal. The plan is to improve accessibility and safety with markings and signs for cyclists and hikers. Improve accessibility with bus trips up the mountain. (also for the disabled) Improve safety by having a rest area up the mountain with toilets and refreshments. (Old radio station.) Improve entertainment.