Deed Delivery
The teams in Startup SuperNova: Astrid EdTech, GET Advising, GæðaMeistari, Lóalóa, Modul Work, Revolníu, Skarpur, Soultech. KuraTech and Lykkjustund are missing from the picture. Ten start-ups have been selected to participate in the business accelerator Startup SuperNova
Fifteen companies received grants of ISK 1-5 million from Íslandsbanki's Entrepreneurs' Fund, but a total of 90 applications were received. We are very proud of all the wands received
Startup SuperNova 2022 – BBQ & Pitch in Groska! Today, Wednesday, August 24, from 17 – 19, mentors in Startup SuperNova and
There has been a lot of anticipation and excitement in the air in Gróska lately. weeks in Startup SuperNova, but the startups have now participated