The circular economy in Reykjavík City Hall

Klak - Icelandic Startups held an event during Innovation Week where representatives of start-up companies presented what solutions they saw for speeding up the implementation of the circular economy in Iceland. It was packed in the Tjarnarsal Rádhús Reykjavíur where the representatives of the start-up companies took part in Shark Tank, but each of them was given three minutes to present their ideas and they then had to answer difficult questions from two "sharks", namely Margrétar Ormslev Ásgeirsdóttir, investment manager at Brunni Ventures, and Gests Pétursson, sole proprietor of Pyxis, about the projects.

There was also a round table where media person Gísli Marteinn Baldursson spoke with Environment Minister Guðlaug Þór Þórðarson, investor Bala Kamallakharan and expert Ragnheiði Magnúsdóttir about the circular economy.

They discussed the greening of the world and how to speed up the implementation of the circular economy in Iceland and promote a sustainable society. All the start-ups received high praise from everyone at the round table, and hopes are tied to further developments in that area. The start-ups that participated in the shark cage were Snerpa Power, Sidewind, Álvit, Ýmir Technologies, GreenBytes, Plogg-Inn and e1.

Published in Morgunblaðin on May 21, p. 11

 "Great to see green tech entrepreneurs finally thinking on a bigger scale than ever and showing ambition beyond national boundaries. Accelerators and events like this help them take the next steps and accelerate the technology to market. There is a lot of demand today for green solutions, and Iceland should definitely be a model on a global scale, as there is a lot of experience and ingenuity here in this field." Says Margrét Ormslev Ásgeirsdóttir, investment manager at Brunni Ventures, and mentor at Hringiða business accelerator with long experience in the energy and green industry.

Reference to Margréti Ormslev about the participation.

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