A powerful community of mentors

KLAK VMS – KLAK's Mentoring Service – is one of the most important elements in the support system of the startup community and supports 80-100 startup teams every year.

Klak VMS is based on the best available methodology to maximize startup success and mentor satisfaction        

KLAK VMS is based on the ideology of MIT VMS who have spent the last 20 years building a mentoring system to support entrepreneurs within the MIT University community in Boston.

The MIT model is based on three basic pillars:

  • A team of two to four mentors assists each startup.
  • Full confidentiality prevails within the mentoring and startup community so that the startups can put all their problems and ideas on the table without risk.
  • Mentors focus on the progress of the start-ups and must not have any other interests in the participation. 


MIT VMS has purposefully spread this knowledge to others and now has 132 sister programs in 29 countries around the world.

The Icelandic KLAK VMS mentors receive training from experienced MIT teachers and the mentoring process is modeled after MIT. There are currently 181 excellent VMS mentors working with KLAK to support startups. 

This work has produced fantastic results, with many testimonials attesting to its success. KLAK supports 80-100 startup teams each year with teaching and mentoring support. The progress of these teams under the guidance of mentors significantly increases the likelihood of startup success, benefiting Icelandic society. 

Being a mentor is one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable. Sharing your knowledge, having fun discussions about what moves the stick forward the fastest, and enjoying the satisfaction of seeing the advice translate into clear progress month after month is priceless.   


If you have knowledge that can be useful to start-ups and would like to be a mentor, please contact us at KLAK VMS.     





Magnús Ingi Óskarsson

Project manager

Jenna Björk Guðmundsdóttir


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