
Startup Tourism 2024 closing date

Startup Tourism 2024 lýkur með glæsilegri dagskrá í hádeginu miðvikudaginn 27. nóvember.

Viðburðurinn verður í beinu streymi þar sem níu framsækin sprotafyrirtæki í ferðaþjónustu kynna verkefni sín og afrakstur síðustu vikna.

Lokaviðburðurinn er sannkölluð uppskeruhátíð sem enginn ætti að láta framhjá sér fara.


⏰ 11:45 – Útsending hefst
🎤 Opnunarávörp:

-Lilja Dögg Alfreðsdóttir, Menningar-, viðskipta- og ferðamálaráðherra
-Ásta Sóllilja Guðmundsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri KLAK – Icelandic Startups

Kynningar frá Startup Tourism teymunum:


      • Iceland Cover
        The project is about giving foreign tourists the opportunity to rent good outdoor clothing at an affordable price during their stay. 

      • Universe
        Alheimur is a science center that contains interactive and interesting content about the nature of science and technology. At Alheimur, entertainment and education are integrated to create a unique experience.

      • PickMeUp
        PMU is a customized software for tourism that increases the efficiency of shuttle services for tourists. The user can make use of a guide that makes it easier for him to find his stop and ensures that he is in the right place. The stamp shows that the customer was present at the right time and place in the event that the bus leaves without him.

      • Guyde
        Guyde is a voice-activated navigation app that, with the help of artificial intelligence and speech synthesis technology, provides companionship and guidance to travelers in private and rental cars according to their location and personal preferences.

      • NordTemp
        A Nordic employment center that connects companies in the tourism industry with skilled workers. The platform streamlines the hiring process for jobs where working hours and shifts are flexible, ensuring companies can quickly find skilled workers when they need them most.

      • HotSheep
        HotSheep focuses on so-called last-minute bookings of experiences. Trips are filled up by offering attractive discounts when it's close to departure. With this, the tour operator gets better utilization and the tourist gets a better price.

      • Adventure Tours
        Adventure Tours áforma að gera nýjan áfangastað á Suðurlandi, nánar tiltekið Reynisfjall við Vík í Mýrdal. Ætlunin er að bæta aðgengi og öryggi með merkingum og stikum fyrir hjóla og göngufólk. Bæta aðgengi með rútuferðum upp á fjall. (líka fyrir hreyfihamlaða) Bæta öryggi með því að hafa áningarstað upp á fjalli með salerni og veitingum.

      • Snotra Sustainability
        Snotra is developing a SaaS-based AI solution to empower the tourism industry, ensuring compliance with EU sustainability policies and industry standards through data collection and distributed, interactive training aimed at increasing overall engagement in tourism sustainability.

      • True Arctic Travel
        True Arctic Travel tourism aims to ensure that travelers can enjoy the Arctic nature (Northern Trail) and travel there in a sustainable way and without creating encroachment on the places where they travel. 

    13:15 – Dagskrá lýkur

    Fundarstjóri verður Karen Björg Eyfjörð Þorsteinsdóttir

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