Nine teams are participating in Hringiða 2024

Nine teams are participating in the business accelerator Hringiðu 2024, where the focus is on sustainability, but the aim of the accelerator is to highlight, promote and support green innovation projects at an early stage.

At the end of the accelerator, participants will be able to present their projects to investors and apply for grants that support projects that reduce emissions. Two projects that got a place in the Ring Accelerator were created in the solution meeting Thrádathoni that KLAK held at the beginning of the year in collaboration with Hringrásarklasann with support from the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate.  

Hringiða's focal point consists of organized workshops and meetings with experts from the group of mentors from KLAK VMS. The progress of the participants under the guidance of the mentors results in a greatly increased probability that the wands will succeed, to the benefit of Icelandic society. Hringiða's mission is to promote the establishment of powerful companies in Iceland that are based on the concept of the circular economy, create valuable and interesting jobs and deliver results in environmental and climate matters in Iceland. Hringiða is managed by KLAK - Icelandic Startups, which for many years has provided assistance in the development of business ideas and brought together a group of stakeholders with value creation as a guiding principle.

Hringiða's sponsors are the City of Reykjavík, the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate, Orkuveitan, Faxaflóhafnir, Terra, Ölgerðin and Samtok industriens. Hringiða's partners are Rannís, Breið vejðurfélag, Evris, Sjávarklassinn, Grænvangur, Orkuklassinn, Hugverkastofa, F6S and Hringrásarklasinn.

Arctic Fibers

Arctic Fibers was founded by Alice Sowa and Matthildi Marvinsdóttir, but it should be noted that Alice Sowa participated in Gulleggin 2024 with another idea, Ullarköggla, and made it to the Top 10.

Arctic Fibers transforms lupine, an invasive plant in Icelandic nature, into a valuable product that supports Iceland's circular economy. The research method is based on our pioneering work in the processing of lupine for textile, construction industry and other manufacturing products. Our goal is to support regenerative methods in landscape planning as well as to support the recovery of biological diversity in the areas that the lupine has taken over.


Ekkó was founded by Smára Jósafatsson. The goal is to offer our eco-friendly Ekko towing shutters that save an average of 7.5% of oil during fishing, which quickly saves the value of the shutters. In addition

of which the Ekkó towbars float over the bottom and protect the bottom living environment.

Í djúpum

In the depths was founded by Svein Gunnarsson and Begga Rist.

Today, much of horse manure in Iceland is disposed of, at great expense to the horse owners, without any use for it. In order to stop the import of compost and manure, we aim to, with a certain processing process, make a quality product from the horse manure, which can be used in gardening, cultivation, to name a few.

This product will increase the value of the product and will be sold in Iceland, but the technical know-how will be able to be exported to other countries.


The SeaGrowth team consists of Alexander Schepsky, Birgitta Ásgrímsdóttir, Martin Uetz, Sigrún Gudjonsdottir, and it can be noted that the idea inspired Gulleggið 2024.

SeaGrowth plans to produce bio-cultured fish pulp from fish cells for food production. The process is such that an initial sample is taken from a wild, healthy fish, the cells are isolated and grown in specially designed culture tanks. The resulting mass of fish will be sold to food processing companies that process the raw product into fish dishes ready for consumers.

Log book

Vistbók was founded by Svála Jònsdóttur, Rósa Dögg Þorsteinsdóttir and Berglinda Ómarsdóttur. Vistbók collects sustainability information for building products and puts it in an accessible digital format to simplify designers' understanding of how the choice of building materials affects the building's sustainability.

Published on the website of the Business Newspaper on March 15

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