Office Hours with HØIBERG

Office hours is an additional service of the KLAK VMS mentoring service, where former participants of the KLAK and Dafna business accelerators can book 30-minute meetings with experienced experts from the group of mentors or from KLAK VMS partners, free of charge. At the meetings, participants have the opportunity to receive practical advice and guidance related to the development and operation of their start-up company. Examples of topics include legal issues, intellectual property and human resources.

On October 16th, experts from HØIBERG will offer an Office Hours meeting in Gróska.

HØIBERG is a European intellectual property firm that specializes in intellectual property law and advises on all aspects of intellectual property rights, including patents and intellectual property policy. European patent attorney Kristian Öwre and patent consultant Ronan Mettetal, experts in patents for electronics, artificial intelligence and computer-based inventions, together with Marisa Punzi, a patent attorney specializing in life sciences patents, will meet entrepreneurs and discuss patents for start-ups.

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