Let's go circular

Opportunities in the circular economy

Nordic Circular Hubs, Iceland Ocean Cluster and Hringiða will hold a seminar with key experts from the Nordic countries in the field of implementing a circular economy in the main conference hall in Gróska May 10th.

We encourage everyone to attend the seminar and it's free! Light refreshments will be served during the seminar.

To attend the seminar please register here

A call for action is on everyone's mind – better air quality, cleaner water and reducing carbon footprint to name a few.
We hear all of you and ask ourselves what challenges have our neighbors already faced? Can we learn from it? How will we increase the cooperation of entrepreneurs, investors and municipalities to promote a sustainable society?

Experienced experts from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden share their experiences in Gróska's main conference hall of successful projects for the benefit of the circular economy and answer questions after the seminar.

Nordic Circular Hubs in Iceland for the first time.

Nordic Circular Hubs is a project to accelerate the development of a circular economy through a joint Nordic effort. Now for the first time in Iceland. The aim is to share different experiences and insights into the main challenges we face in achieving the Nordic government's goal of becoming the most sustainable part of the world by 2030.

Partners of Nordic Circular Hubs are Kalundborg symbiosis, Eyde Cluster, Linköping University, Paper Province, Digipolis and Iceland Ocean Cluster.

This event is also streamed on Facebook.


The opportunities in the circular economy

Nordic Circular Hubs, Sjávarklassinn and Hringiða will organize a seminar with the main Nordic experts in the field of circular economy implementation in Gróska's festival hall on May 10.

We encourage everyone to attend, but admission is free. Light refreshments will be served during the seminar.

Please register you here

We are all bombarded with cries and urges from all directions for better air quality, cleaner water, reduction of carbon footprint to name a few. We answer the call, but first ask ourselves what challenges our neighbors have already met with the implementation of the circular economy that can be learned from, and how can cooperation between entrepreneurs, investors and municipalities be increased to promote a sustainable society?

Experienced experts from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden will share their experiences in the Groska festival hall of successful projects in favor of a circular economy and answer questions after the seminar.

Their knowledge spans the fields of the energy industry, the forest ecosystem, and planning
and cooperation with local authorities, investors and the university and innovation community, to name a few.

Meet now for the first time in Iceland

Nordic Circular Hubs is a project to accelerate development towards a circular economy through the joint efforts of the Nordic countries. The goal is to share different experiences and insights into the main challenges we face in order to achieve the goals of the Nordic governments to become the most sustainable part of the world by 2030 with a focus on green, organic and socially sustainable societies.

The partners of Nordic Circular Hubs are Kalundborg symbiosis, Eyde Cluster, Linköping University, Paper Province, Digipolis and Sjávarklassinn.

Registration for the event is required but the event is also streamed on Facebook.

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