800 university students fled to Gróska to learn about Gulleggið, the biggest and oldest entrepreneurial competition in the country, but it will be a record number of university students on a scientific trip. KLAK – Icelandic Startups and the HR Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee launched the last science trip for Gulleggið 2023 in Gróska, where the main sponsors of Gulleggið presented their activities. Gróska's festival hall. Freyr Friðfinnsson from KLAK started the scientific tour with a presentation of Gulleggin in a packed festival hall.
Gullegg's backers appeared and Gróska's managing director, Vera Dögg Antonsdóttir, reviewed the philosophy behind Gróska to the great admiration of those present. Viggó Ásgeirsson, director of business development in Landsbankinn's individual division, took over and reviewed the bank's operations, but Landsbankinn has been involved in the project since the beginning or for the past 16 years. Gísli Herjólfsson, managing director and co-founder of Controlant, ended up reviewing Controlant's involvement in Gulleggin. Controlant won the competition in 2009, and on the company's 15th anniversary, it is now one of the sponsors of the competition.
On Friday at four o'clock we will take advantage of Gullegg's bliss and everyone is invited in Gróska to an event with Bergi Ebba, where entrepreneurs have the opportunity to meet and join forces before the Gullegg Masterclass begins.
The main sponsor of Gullegg 2023 is Landsbankinn, which has been involved in the project from the beginning, but other sponsors include Controlant, Origo, HVIN, Reykjavíkurborg, Hugverkastofa, Advania, Marel, Eyrir Invest, Íslandstofa, Téknisendeväðirsjöðurinn, Crowberry capital, KPMG, Ölgerðin, Brunnur, Kvika eignastilður , Gróska, Frumtak ventures, Vörður as well as the University of Reykjavík, the University of Akureyri and the University of Iceland.
Registration for Gulleggið is underway and taking place here – the last day to register is January 20.
Gulleggið is done in collaboration with the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committees of HÍ and HR. Every year, Gulleggið is joined by cool individuals who are passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship, but Gulleggið is largely managed by volunteers from the ranks of Häksol students.