MIT DesignX

Optimism and positivity floated over the waters in Hátíðarsal Gróska on Wednesday, December 7, where the final day of Smartness took place and nine start-up companies presented their projects
The final day of Snjallræð 2022 will be held on December 7 in Gróska's festival hall, where none other than Jón Gnarr will lead the event and introduce powerful wands
Therefore, there is a great social responsibility to deal with the issues related to climate change, migration, student dropout, the health system, the construction industry and the elderly community.
Cleverness has selected 10 start-ups that all have in common the desire to lead important social changes by using the methodology of innovation and design thinking to
Are you part of the problem or are you part of the solution? Is Smart Talk for you? Ingenuity is for projects right from the concept stage. It is important that
Landsvirkjun will be one of the sponsors of Snjallræði, but Kristín Linda Árnadóttir, deputy CEO of Landsvirkjun, signed an agreement with Kristína Soffíu Jónsdóttir, managing director of Klak - Icelandic Startups.
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