Ása María Þórhallsdóttir

The final day and the award ceremony of Gullegg 2023 will take place in Groska's festival hall on February 10 at 16:00 on Stöð 2 Vísis, visir.is and gulleggid.is. The yolk sac is the largest
The Gullegg final will take place on February 10 in Gróska and will be broadcast live on visir.is. A focus group that includes over 70 individuals with experience
Controlant won the Gullegg in 2009 and now comes in as a sponsor of the Gullegg 2023, the biggest entrepreneurial competition in the country, thus giving back to the innovation and entrepreneurial community.
Advania places increased emphasis on promoting innovation both internally and by supporting Icelandic start-ups. The company has become a sponsor of Gullegg, the largest entrepreneurial competition
The most presentable and promising start-ups in Iceland presented their business ideas to a full hall in Gróska on the main day of Startup SuperNova. After the introductions of the wands, it was opened
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