City of Reykjavík

Seven excellent and diverse start-ups have been selected to participate in Hringiða 2023, a business accelerator and collaboration platform for companies in Iceland, which put all the weight
Orkuklasinn has joined the group of partners of Hringiða, a business accelerator that aims to create a dynamic environment for start-ups that put all their weight on
The final day and the award ceremony of Gullegg 2023 will take place in Groska's festival hall on February 10 at 16:00 on Stöð 2 Vísis, and The yolk sac is the largest
The Gullegg final will take place on February 10 in Gróska and will be broadcast live on A focus group that includes over 70 individuals with experience
Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Minister of Universities, Industry and Innovation and "Minister of Gullegg" delivered an inspiring speech at the end of Gullegg's Masterclass to the great admiration of those present who filled the auditorium
Hringiða opens for applications today, January 20, where start-ups and innovative projects of companies and institutions based on the concept of the circular economy are encouraged
800 university students fled to Gróska to learn about Gulleggið, the biggest and oldest entrepreneurial competition in the country, but it will be a record number of university students on a scientific trip. HAPPY
Optimism and positivity floated over the waters in Hátíðarsal Gróska on Wednesday, December 7, where the final day of Smartness took place and nine start-up companies presented their projects
Entrepreneurs who took on the challenge of finding solutions to pressing social problems will take the stage in Gróska's festival hall and present their solutions in front of
The final day of Snjallræð 2022 will be held on December 7 in Gróska's festival hall, where none other than Jón Gnarr will lead the event and introduce powerful wands
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