City of Reykjavík

Klak - Icelandic Startups held an event during Innovation Week where representatives of start-up companies presented what solutions they saw to accelerate implementation
Hringiða officially started on April 25, and the participants were invited to the Klak - Icelandic Startups house meeting in Gróska, where Hringiða's project managers went over eight
Seven teams were selected for the circular economy business accelerator Ring 2022, which will start on April 25, but this will be the second such accelerator
Hringiða is a business accelerator for innovative companies and innovative projects within established companies and organizations based on the concept of the circular economy. KLAK – Icelandic Startups is in charge
Applications have been opened in Hringiða, where start-up companies and innovation projects of companies and institutions based on the concept of the circular economy are encouraged to
Hringiða's presentation meeting took place on Friday, March 4, 2022 at 11:00 live streaming. Hringiða is an accelerator designed to highlight, promote and
Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson and Kristín Soffía Jónsdóttir, CEO of Icelandic Startups, signed a cooperation agreement aimed at promoting entrepreneurial activity based on philosophy
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