

Magnús Ingi Óskarsson, entrepreneur and mentor, takes over as director of KLAK's mentoring service, which has been named KLAK Venture Mentoring Service. KLAK's mentoring service will be formal
Advania places increased emphasis on promoting innovation both internally and by supporting Icelandic start-ups. The company has become a sponsor of Gullegg, the largest entrepreneurial competition
Therefore, there is a great social responsibility to deal with the issues related to climate change, migration, student dropout, the health system, the construction industry and the elderly community.
The most presentable and promising start-ups in Iceland presented their business ideas to a full hall in Gróska on the main day of Startup SuperNova. After the introductions of the wands, it was opened
Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Market, signed an agreement on cooperation with KLAK on the community growth space Snjallræði and this is the first time that the ministry
Entrepreneurs and sponsors of Startup SuperNova grilled people interested in innovation in Gróska to the great joy of those present. We were invited to a so-called BBQ & Pitch
Cleverness has selected 10 start-ups that all have in common the desire to lead important social changes by using the methodology of innovation and design thinking to
Landsvirkjun will be one of the sponsors of Snjallræði, but Kristín Linda Árnadóttir, deputy CEO of Landsvirkjun, signed an agreement with Kristína Soffíu Jónsdóttir, managing director of Klak - Icelandic Startups.
Applications for Snjallræði will be opened on Wednesday, June 29, but Snjallræði will now take place for the fourth time. That change will now be made in
The spring allocation of the Technology Development Fund will take place today, but a total of 91 projects will receive funding this time. When looking at the percentage by gender of the project manager, it is possible
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