The Business Accelerator
The teams in Startup SuperNova: Astrid EdTech, GET Advising, GæðaMeistari, Lóalóa, Modul Work, Revolníu, Skarpur, Soultech. KuraTech and Lykkjustund are missing from the picture. Ten start-ups have been selected to participate in the business accelerator Startup SuperNova
The Startup SuperNova Masterclass, a preparatory course for the business accelerator Startup SuperNova, has never received more registrations. The accelerator is held annually by KLAK Icelandic Startups
KLAK – Icelandic Startups wishes all the entrepreneurs and start-ups who have gone through KLAK's business accelerators the best of luck with the allocation from the Technology Development Fund on June 2.
- Dafna | HAPPY | Uncategorized
Startup SuperNova invites you to the much-anticipated F*CK UP NIGHT on Thursday, June 8 at the Nova store. There we will have experienced entrepreneurs who wittily talk about their mistakes. F*ck Up Night is based on an international model that is a platform where entrepreneurs share their mistakes.
The final day of the business accelerator Hringiða managed by KLAK - Icelandic Startups was celebrated on May 5, and on that occasion Guðlaugur sent Þór Þórðarson, environmental, energy
The final day of Hringiða will be celebrated on May 5, but Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, the Minister of the Environment, will address the guests of the event and other viewers via live streaming.
Business accelerators Hringiða and Startup SuperNova managed by KLAK - Icelandic Startups have received a nomination at the Nordic Startups Awards 2023 as "Best Accelerator". That is
KLAK and the business accelerator Hringiða took advantage of the happiness and invited everyone to a Prosecco & Pitch day for the first day of summer at the famous green wall in
KLAK – Icelandic Startups invited to an event in Gróska on the occasion that the business accelerator Hringiða run by Klak has now started its journey in
KLAK - Icelandic Startups invites those interested in Hringiða to lunch on Wednesday, March 29 in Gróska on the occasion that the business accelerator Hringiða has now started